REMINDER – COMMUNITY NOTICE: Solicitation of Members for Town Boards & Planning Commission

Date Posted: Monday, July 1st, 2024

Interested in making a difference within the Town?  We are currently seeking to fill positions within the Town to serve on the Planning Commission, the Board of Adjustment, and the Board of Elections. 

Below are flyers of each Commission or Board along with the amount of seats available.  Should you have any questions, please reach out to Town Clerk, Mariaelena Rivera at or 302-378-8082. 

NOTICE OF SOLICITATION OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEMBER There is ONE Board of Adjustment Seat open for appointment by Town Council. The appointed member shall serve for two years. If you are interested in serving as a Member for the Board of Adjustment, please reach out by emailing Town Clerk, Mariaelena Rivera, at The qualifications for Board of Adjustment Members can be found below. Qualifications for Board of Adjustment Members Town of Townsend Municipal Code 24.08.020 Board of Adjustment 1. Board of Adjustment. The board of adjustment is hereby established in the manner prescribed by law. Such board shall consist of three members. At least one member shall be a resident of the town who is not a member of town council or an employee of the town. The town council shall approve all appointments for a term of two years. Initial appointment of members shall be as follows: one member for three years and one member for two years and one member for one year. Any member of the board may be removed by a three-fifths vote of the full council. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member whose position become vacant. If at any time a member of the board of adjustment experiences a conflict of interest on his part, that member must step down while the other members reach a decision. Delaware Code Title 22 Municipalities, Chapter 3 Municipal Zoning Regulations § 321. Creation and powers. § 321. Creation and powers. The legislative body of cities or incorporated towns shall provide for the appointment of a board to be known as the board of adjustment and in the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to the authority of this chapter shall provide that the board may, in appropriate cases and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, make special exceptions to the terms of the ordinance in harmony with its general purpose and intent and in accordance with general or specific rules therein contained.

NOTICE OF SOLICITATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER There are Two Planning Commission Seats open for appointment by Town Council. Each position serves for a period of three years. If you are interested in serving as a Member of the Planning Commission, please reach out by emailing Town Clerk, Mariaelena Rivera, at The qualifications for Planning Commission Members can be found below. Qualifications for Planning Commission Members Town of Townsend Municipal Code 24.08.040 Planning Commission 1. Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is hereby established in the manner prescribed by law. This commission shall consist of five members. At all times one member is to be a member of the Board of Adjustment. All members are to be appointed by the town council for a period of three years. Any member may be removed by a majority vote of the full council. Vacancies shall be filled for the un-expired term of any member whose position becomes vacant. The duties of the Planning Commission shall be to review the zoning ordinance and to advise the board of adjustment and town council of proposed amendments or changes in the zoning ordinance on a yearly basis. The Planning Commission has the responsibility of updating the zoning map and developing a comprehensive development plan. Delaware Code Title 22 Municipalities, Chapter 7 Planning Commission § 701. Establishment; membership. § 701. Establishment; membership. Any incorporated city or town may at any time establish a planning commission under this chapter. A planning commission established hereunder shall consist of not less than 5 nor more than 9 members. Such members shall in cities be appointed by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the city council, and in towns where there is not a mayor shall be elected by the town commissioners. When a planning commission is first established the members thereof shall be appointed or elected for terms of such length and shall be so arranged that the term of at least 1 member shall expire each year and their successor shall be appointed or elected for terms of 2 to 5 years each. Any member of the planning commission so established in a city may be removed for cause after a public hearing by the mayor with the approval of city council; members of the planning commission elected by town commissioners shall be removed by them for cause after a public hearing by a majority vote. A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired term in a city in the same manner as an original appointment and in a town by the town commissioners. Such a planning commission shall elect annually a chairperson and a secretary from among its own number and may employ experts, clerical and other assistants. It may appoint a custodian of its plan and records who may be the city engineer or town clerk.

NOTICE OF SOLICITATION BOARD OF ELECTIONS MEMBERS There is ONE Board of Election Seat open for appointment by Town Council. The position serves for an Indefinite Term until a successor is duly appointed. Please note that the 2025 Town of Townsend Election is scheduled for the first Saturday in May, May 3rd, 2025. If you are interested in serving as a Member of the Board of Elections, please reach out by emailing Town Clerk, Mariaelena Rivera, at The qualifications for Board of Election Members can be found below. Qualifications for Board of Elections Members Townsend Municipal Code: 2.20.080 Board of Elections The Town of Townsend Board of Elections (to be referred to as "board of elections") is hereby established, having three members to be appointed by town council. 1. Each board member shall be a resident of the town and shall serve an indefinite term until his successor is duly appointed. 2. The board of elections shall be authorized to perform the duties and obligations set forth in 15 Del. C. § 7551, as amended, and to exercise any other such duties specifically authorized by the town council pursuant to the Charter and ordinances of the town, as amended. 15 Del. C. § 7551 § 7551. Boards of Election; appointment, authority. (a) A Board of Elections shall be appointed as provided in the municipality’s charter or code and shall oversee the election of the municipality’s government. (b) Members of municipal Boards of Elections shall be qualified electors in the municipality for which they are appointed and shall not be an elected official or candidate or an immediate family member of an elected official or candidate (mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, including half-brothers and sisters, stepfamily members and in-laws). (c) Members of municipal Boards of Elections shall serve terms as provided in the municipality’s charter or code. (d) Upon confirmation of a member to a municipality’s Board of Elections, the municipality shall issue a Certificate of Appointment to the member and the member shall swear or affirm the following oath orally and in writing: I, ________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Delaware, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties as a member of the Board of Elections for the city (or town) of ________ by ensuring that elections within the city (or town) are conducted fairly, impartially and in accordance with the Delaware Code and city (or town) charter and ordinances to the best of my ability. (e) A municipal Board of Elections member shall not participate in electioneering. Electioneering includes political discussion of issues, candidates or partisan topics; the wearing of any button, banner or other object referring to issues, candidates or partisan topics; the display, distribution or other handling of literature or any writing or drawing referring to issues, candidates or partisan topics; and the deliberate projection of sound referring to issues, candidates or partisan topics from loudspeakers or otherwise. A Board of Elections member who violates this section shall be fined not more than $500 and shall forfeit that Board of Election member’s position on the Board. (f) Municipal Boards of Elections shall consist of an odd number of members as stated in the municipality’s charter or code, but in no case shall there be fewer than 3 members on the Board. (g) Unless otherwise provided in the municipality’s charter or code, the municipality’s Board of Elections shall oversee the absentee ballot process for elections conducted in accordance with subchapters IV and V of this chapter. (h) The Department of Elections shall make training available for the members of the municipality’s Board of Elections on their roles and responsibilities. (i) A municipal Board of Elections may request, in writing, advice and guidance from the Department of Elections. The Department to which a Board of Elections makes a request shall provide a written response as soon as practical but no later than 7 business days following receipt of the request. (j) Municipalities shall post the names and contact information for its Board of Elections in the city/town hall or in the building where the municipal government meets, and on the municipality’s website if it has one. (k) A municipality shall notify the State Election Commissioner of the members of its Board of Elections when such members are installed. Additional details on the election can be here: Article V Nominations and Elections