Instructions for Accessing Town Meetings via Conference Call
Date Posted: Wednesday, April 1st, 2020Per the Governor’s request, all scheduled meetings will be held via Conference call. There are two meetings scheduled for Wednesday, April 1, 2020.
- 6 pm Board of Adjustments (Mayor, Mr. Van-Otoo, Mr. Townsend, Mr. Mangeri-host) This is an advertised Public Meeting
- 7 pm Town Council Meeting (All Council, Mr. Townsend. Mr. Van-Otoo, Lt. Lloyd, Mr. Mangeri-Host) This is an advertised meeting.
You will be able to view documents posted to the meeting tab on the Town website at
To access the above meetings, dial (425) 436-6359. When directed, provide the following access code 695201# to enter the meeting.
If you choose to access the meeting online Join the online meeting:
Please remember to log in 10 to 15 minutes before the meeting to assure connection.
Points of Oder for the Meeting:
- To assure clarity and coordination, the meeting will be very structured.
- Avoid speaking over anyone.
- There will be time after each person speaks for the Mayor to ask for comments in order.
- The Mayor will chair the meeting as normal. The Mayor will use the Agenda to facilitate discussions.
- The Mayor will need to specifically call on each councilman/participant to be recognized.
- He will yield the floor to the Committee Chair to make their report.
- At the end of their comments/report The Committee Chair will formally return the floor to the Mayor
The Mayor will ask for public comments and discussion, at which time the line will be unmuted for all in attendance to comment or ask questions.