Meetings & Events
Town of Townsend - Rules of Procedure for Council MeetingsThe following are highlighted rules for citizens, for more information please reference, "2024-2025 Rules Document":
- All meetings are open and public meetings unless specifically closed under the provisions of the State of Delaware, particularly the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A public meeting is defined as a meeting at which public business is discussed, decided or policy formulated. Citizens are allowed to attend and observe but not necessarily participate (Ref: II.P.)
- At a regular meeting of the Council, citizens’ comments will be taken at the beginning of the meeting and before any vote of action items. Any citizen, who wants to make comments will have the opportunity to do so in an orderly manner. This opportunity to make a comment is not to be mistaken for a public hearing nor is it an opportunity to debate with the governing body. Responses to public comments by elected officials and/or staff may be permitted by the Mayor, recognizing no decisions or policies may be adopted during public comment time. The Body will not tolerate any interruptions or disruption of meetings. Each citizen may speak once per topic for a period not to exceed three(3)minutes. If a citizen would like to speak for more time, they should submit an item for the agenda through the Mayor, a council person or the Town Manager no more than two (2) weeks before the meeting where they would like to speak. (Ref: II.R.)
- Please reference Sections 3 - 5 of "2024-2025 Rules Document" for Conducting Public Hearings, Rules for Decorum, and Disturbing Meetings.
- Public Works & Land Use Development Committee Meeting - 03/26/2025
- Emergency Sirens Test on April 1st, 2025 - 04/01/2025
- Board of Adjustment Hearing - 04/07/2025
- Town Hall Closed - 04/18/2025
- Town Hall Closed - 05/26/2025
- 2025 Townsend Fair & Jazz Festival - 06/14/2025
- Town Hall Closed - 06/19/2025
- Town Hall Closed - 07/04/2025
- Town Hall Closed - 09/01/2025
- Town Hall Closed - 10/13/2025
- Town Hall Closed - 11/11/2025
- Town Hall Closed - 11/27/2025
- Town Hall Closed - 11/28/2025
- Town Hall Closed - 12/24/2025
- Town Hall Closed - 12/25/2025